Thursday 19 August 2010

This Plumber's World!

I missed the club session last night because I was getting withdrawal symptoms from having trouble with my water. Scottish Water did come up yesterday and dug up the pavement and fixed the toby. You see! I now know its not a stop-cock, its a toby. They didn't have time to fix the pavement though so the new toby is a bit more accessible than it should ideally be.

The water was working fine when I got in and we had it all arranged that the plumber would come the next day (today) and fix our leak at long last. But then the water mysteriously went off.

I phoned up and spoke to the plumber and he reckoned the most likely explanation was that some of the pavement had gone down into the mains, shot up the pipe and jammed somewhere. That didn't sound good. How much worse/more complicated/more expensive is this going to get?

The poor man came out after 9pm because I think he could tell that I couldn't hack it anymore, and then we discovered that someone (probably kids) had put the mains back off out in the street. Bloody kids! Nobody hits them hard enough anymore, as we all know. So we got our water back on. And today he came and fixed the original problem...

And so we just need to get a ceiling replaced and that will be...

The end.


Stuart said...


All this new found knowledge of all things “plumb” related got me wondering… did you ever get your kitchen tap fixed?

Yak Hunter said...

Haha, yes we did thanks, we got a man in! Thank god there are "men" out there! Otherwise I don't know what me and Peter would do...