Friday 16 November 2012

Aberlady Sundown

The last 24 hours have been full of excitement. Wonderful things. Like persuading my friend Amanda Henderson (or her persuading herself) that she should enter the Highland Fling so that we will have a ladies' team. We (Portobello) now have a smoking hot ladies' team and I am over the moon. On top of that when I got home from work there was finally, finally, a letter from the NHS saying they'll have a bash at fixing me on December the 10th. I really thought it was going to be January at this rate. The sun was shining and Peter had said text him if I was up for a run so I texted him and we headed off to Aberlady to start the weekend early. Well we headed off after we'd shuffled about a bit - got caught up in other stuff, so it was 3pm by the time we got out the car at Gullane. Good for sunsets but maybe not so good for doing the whole 10 mile circuit we were planning on.

We wanted to run today because we were going to rest up tomorrow and then go and do the Dunbar XC on Sunday and follow it, if we have the moral fibre, by a longish run afterwards, somewhere in beautiful East Lothian. And I particularly wanted to run 9.5 miles to nudge my week's mileage over 30. We had to cut it a bit short however, as it was darkening fast, so only managed 8.23...which means, you guessed it, I have to run 1.27 miles tomorrow. I can't help it. I HAVE to. I have stuck to the 30+ rule for the last 12 weeks and can't bear to break it.

If you notice the odd kit review over the next few weeks, I am saving up to buy  the Garmin 310xt before the Highland Fling, because it has a 20 hour battery life. I once tried using two Garmins in an ultra but it was a disaster.

It was a lovely run down on the beach with the low pink light and the lapping waves. Great start to the weekend.

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